Via News One
Some people are really having a difficult time facing the
reality of a Black president; so difficult in fact, citizens from 20 states and
counting have filed petitions at We The People on WhiteHouse.gov to be granted
permission to
leave the union. The states include: Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky,
Michigan, Colorado, New Jersey, Montana, Missouri, North Dakota, Indiana,
Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, New York, Arkansas and Oregon.
According to the terms of participation for “We The People,”
as of October 3, 2011, petitions that meet the listed criteria become
searchable on WhiteHouse.gov once and if they reach 150 signatures within 30
days. If that is accomplished, for President Obama to actively consider a petition,
it must reach 25,000 signatures within the remainder of the same 30 day period.
The White House reserves the right to change the time limit and number of
signatures required. While there are several of the president’s policies that
one could object too, at heart he is a moderate Democrat no more, no less.
Couple that with the fact that no other president since
Lincoln has spawned calls of secession, it’s clear that the perceived
“otherness” of President Obama is the reason for this sudden need to leave the
United States simply because the person in the White House is black
...this is definitely a rascist article...how about just not liking the direction he is taking our country? Like NOT REALLY LIKING the direction we are headed you small brained idiot...
ReplyDeleteI see nothing racist in d article . Putting everything together I don't see Obama as a failure in any way. So don't condemn him . Remember that nobody is perfect .
Deletethis is not racist just a fact that people do not want another 4 years of the same bs
ReplyDeleteIts always racist (against the blacks) . I am black and I did not vote for OBAMA. I don't like his abuse of power either. He is a poor excuse for a President of a great Nation.
ReplyDeleteIf anybody thinks this is a RACIST ACT by these 20 states,is a MORON and one of many problems in this country,you obviously voted for this Double-Tongue,Deceitful politician,who will destroy this countries morals and values,and eventually the constitutions and yours and my Bill of Rights.This country is now headed for a war between the states.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutly ridiculous!!! This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA why would any idiot want to break it up. What are you going to do when the states secede and each "new" government needs help. Come on people get real. As for Obama winning GET OVER IT. I live in the south and I know why the south was pulling for Romney its common sense. But most of the south is on some type of welfare or government help and if your precious Romney would have won what would you have done then when he took all that away from you? Romney admitted to not caring about the "poor" people. I am glad Romney lost he would have been shoving his Morman beliefs down this countrys throat. I have no problem with religon I just don't need anyone pushing them on me. He made it clear with his comment about women being home in time to cook dinner!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is wrong with you dumb ass people? Do you really think romney gives a $&*##% about you retards ? All he cares about is the all mighty dollar if he had won all you people getting any assistance at all would be out on your asses while him and his buddy's would be laughing their asses off at you living on the streets
ReplyDeleteok now well it's better than smoking pot and drinking forties and being on welfare.
ReplyDeleteOriginally the states were to have control of the states with no interference from the government. Now the government wants to interfer in each state's business i.e., little government vs big government
ReplyDeleteAmerica is Gods own nation,nothing will ever make us secede . United we stand,divided we fall.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of the world is looking at you Americans, shaking their heads and wondering how DUMB you can be to have let Obama continue on his PLAINLY CLEAR DESTRUCTIVE COURSE to destroy your "Gods own" deluded Nation. Seriously, HOW COULD YOUR PEOPLE HAVE DONE THIS? It just goes to show how the majority of you people are DUMB IDIOTS and smiling aways as you are lead like lambs to the slaughter.
ReplyDeleteGOOD MOVE TO LEAVE THE UNITED STATES. Now that shows some SMARTS. There is hope. And that is the way
The author is foolish, he fails to account for all the people signing these petitions that are black and/or Latino, and/or any other race. He had to assume that only whites are creating and signing these petitions which is a total fabrication.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should all petition the Queen of England to allow the US to become a colony of the UK again - LMAO!
I've learned Virgina is on the list too, well those who want to leave the United States, why don't you all find an island move to it and wait for a big storm to arise and wash you away. Hurry up and move. I don't know who are signing the petitions but I'm a Virginia and I didn't sign so you don't speak for me.
ReplyDeleteI think we shuld we shud grow as much pot as we can and hire some hookers and sell them to china and use the money to go play blackjack